Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to Compare Images in Adobe Bridge

If you don’t have a particular workflow, and, really, even if you do, you will get duplicates of images. If you want to be absolutely sure that an image is a duplicate, Adobe Bridge can help you with that. This is also called previewing and the Loupe tool.


1、Browse to where your images are under the Essentials tab. If your images aren’t in the same folder, it will be harder to compare them.
2、Select both of the images.
3Click on Filmstrip (located right beside Essentials).
4、In the larger version of the images that you will see in the Filmstrip tab, visually compare the        images. Sometimes, there isn’t much difference and you have to look closer.
5、Click on a spot in the image.
6、Click on the same spot in the other image. Do this in more than one place, just to be safe.
7、Hold down ^ Ctrl+Click and drag to move them simultaneously.
8、Add to the group. Still in the Filmstrip view, you can select more images to compare. In this screenshot, you see six. Obviously, the more that are in the shot, the smaller they will be.

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