Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lifestyle Changes Can Produce Same Results as Viagra

Joe Raedle/Getty Images(NEW YORK) -- Are pills the best way to treat erectile dysfunction?

Medical researchers from Australia's University of Adelaide argue that changes in certain behavior can also restore a healthy sex life without the need for Viagra or other drugs.

In a study of more than 800 men, ages 35 to 80, just over three in ten developed erectile dysfunction during a five-year span. Certain risk factors that contribute to the problem include diabetes, high blood pressure and a high reading of bad cholesterol.

However, lead researcher Gary Wittert says that men can reduce the chances of not being able to perform sexually by doing at least one of the following: eating healthier foods, exercising more, cutting back on alcohol and getting more sleep.

Through behavioral changes, Wittert says men "were naturally overcoming erectile dysfunction issues." What's more, they also improved their heart health as well as lessened the risk of 
contracting diabetes.

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