Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Smoke alarm saves Women's Health Centre

SAFE: Fire fighter Cameron Nicol is reminding people to change their smoke alarm batteries.

IT WAS the sound of a fire alarm that alerted neighbours of the Gympie and District Women's Health Centre there was something wrong.
Had they not heard the high-pitched alarm in action, it's possible the centre could have burnt to the ground during what was still a devastating blaze two weeks ago.
Instead, staff at the centre were glad to hear, despite internal smoke damage, the building was saved.
Gympie Fire Station's station officer Cameron Nicol said had it not been for the fire alarms being kept up to date, it was likely the fire would have consumed most of the building.
Now, Mr Nicol is encouraging residents and business owners across the region to change the batteries in their smoke alarm, which could possible save a life.
The reminder is part of a statewide Don't Be a Fool campaign for everyone to change their alarm's batteries by April Fool's Day.
All Queensland homes are legally required to be fitted with working smoke alarms and Gympie region residents should check their smoke alarms monthly and replace the batteries annually to help safeguard their homes against fire.
QFES Inspector David Sutch said residents needed to do their part and help the fire and emergency services by ensuring no more lives and homes were lost.
"Ninety-nine per cent of Australian households have a fitted smoke alarm, but frighteningly 700,000 Aussies admit they have not changed the batteries to it in the last year," he said.

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