Tuesday, April 8, 2014

These 17 Animals All Think They’re Hiding From You… But They’re Just Adorably Failing. Awww…

These 17 Animals All Think They’re Hiding From You… But They’re Just Adorably Failing. Awww…,
Nothing’s more adorable than an animal. Seriously, look it up. It’s a fact. So when they do silly little things, it’s enough to make us let out a nonsensical “Awwww…” which I’m guess just confuses them.
But anyway, these 17 animals all have one thing in common: they’re trying to hide… and adorably failing. The bunny alone made my entire day. Check them out below.
Who am I kidding? I can’t stop. Way too adorable.
Share these “hiding” animals with your friends. Make them go Awwww, too.

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