Monday, April 14, 2014

First job: how to negotiate your salary?

When it comes to the first job, many young graduates are puzzled about the wage they should expect for. This is an obvious situation for them and especially if they care about it. In addition, before bringing experiences into Euros, some criteria must be taken into account.

Wage bargaining based on qualifications

On the one hand, given the current situation, most employers recruit low-cost employees to decrease charges burdened by the company. On the other hand, graduates and new workers calculate their wages according to their degree. Some of them are even setting too high the standard. Anyway, poor estimation of the first compensation can play huge trick on getting the job. First, before proceeding to salary, the applicant must refer to the labor market on which he has to face. Indeed, degrees are not different – a graduate from a business school is different from a graduate from computer engineering. This means that it is important not to leave the area to avoid false estimation. Even for coveted positions, large and small businesses are competing for the best job description. This requires a huge vigilance. It is best to rely on the internal logic of the business. This means that wages must be considered depending on the company’s salary scale. Yet this is not enough because other criteria still exist.

Other criteria to be taken into account to properly negotiate salary

Since we are mainly talking about the first job, it can state the applicant’s career. So, in order not to do so, he must know where he is going and where does it lead. First, salary is played during the interview with the employer. To apply for a job, the candidate who shows more flexibility leaves an open door to a negotiable price. The most ideal method is to give a precise range from 10 to 20 %. During the oral interview, he must remember what he mentioned in his application. To facilitate the cooperation; clever people often use phrases like “I would like to earn about…” Second, graduates should know that salary is negotiated in grass. To show more professionalism, it is better to calculate the annual amount and not monthly. Moreover, both are feasible. During interviews, it is important not to talk about salary firstly. Start by letting the company be aware of the contribution you are bringing to it. Depending on your potential, recruiter can estimate your value. In wage negotiations for a first job, regardless of the ability and skills, diplomacy is still necessary. Be flexible to any proposal. Among other things, a motivated and confident candidate keeps his self-esteem and is certain in his skills and abilities. He can also boost his arguments with the best propositions that are already granted to him.

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