Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How to Eat Healthily at a Mexican Restaurant

Known for its bold, spicy flavors and colorful style, Mexican cuisine can be enjoyed almost anywhere nowadays at a variety of restaurants and chains. Despite the tempting high calorie dishes, learn how to eat healthily at a Mexican restaurant with this article.
Hold the tortilla chips. Often served with salsa as a snack when you sit down, save the extra calories (from the oil on the chips) and ask for soft tortillas to dip instead, or skip this altogether.

Try a low-fat appetizer. Ceviche, a citrus-marinated seafood dish, is a delicious and healthy choice as fresh fish and lime juice are the primary ingredients.
Enjoy a soup before your meal. Starters like black-bean soup or gazpacho are good, as is any vegetable-based soup as long as it isn't loaded with cream or topped with cheese. If you want to be even more healthy, you could request the staff to add less salt or sugar to the soup.

Order fajitas for your main course. Be sure to stick with shrimp, chicken or vegetable fajitas as they're the healthiest choices. Have your waiter bring some extra salsa instead of the high-fat sour cream or cheese toppings.
Request soft taco shells instead of hard, crunchy ones. Soft shells are cooked on a griddle, whereas, the latter are fried.
Avoid heavily caloric dishes. You can (and should) splurge on them once in a while, but know that chimichangas, chalupas, and chile rellenos are deep-fried.

Apply hot sauce liberally. It's has a below average amount of calories, adds a kick to your meal, and some research has indicated it can temporarily speed up your metabolism (need citation here). Sauce can contain huge amounts of salt and sugar so if the sauce is salty or too sugary, apply less and spread it evenly throughout your meal.

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