Sunday, March 2, 2014

Secrets To Have An Amicable And Happy Family

Trying to create a happy family atmosphere can sometimes feel like a
challenge in today’s world. Everyone’s busy, technology seems to
take over a lot of spare time, and many adults and children feel
stressed. However, there are some steps you can take to keep your
family happy in the modern world.
1. Eat Dinner Together Daily
Take time out from your activities to eat dinner together as a family.
Talk about your day, reconnect with one another, and discuss your
future plans. It’s a great way for parents and kids to stay involved
in one another’s lives.
2. Contribute to the Community as a Family
Families who contribute to their community in some way are likely to
use teamwork, which can reinforce family solidarity. Whether you
volunteer at a soup kitchen, attend a community clean-up event, or
participate in the community Christmas parade together, doing things
as a family is important.
3. Empower Your Children to Have a Voice
Telling kids, “It’s my way or the highway,” isn’t likely to yield
happy results. Obviously, parents need to be in charge and need to
discipline kids accordingly, but kids should have some say in the
family. Listen to your child’s concerns, allow your child to offer
input, and be willing to admit when you’re wrong.
4. Let Grandma Move In
Although living with your mother-in-law may not sound like a dream
come true, it can actually be really good for kids. When kids live
with a grandmother in their home, they’re more likely to show concern
for other people. Having an extra set of eyes and hands in the home
can also take a lot of stress off parents.
5. Expect Everyone to Pitch In
Happy families don’t keep score about who should be doing what.
Instead, they’re all willing to pitch in to take care of household
chores and responsibilities. Make it clear that everyone needs to do
their share, because that’s part of being a family.
6. Support One Another’s Activities
Whether you’re watching a soccer game or cheering on the band, happy
families support one another’s endeavors. Even if you can’t attend
all of your partner or children’s activities, show excitement for
their efforts. Help one another succeed by being supportive of each
family member’s attempts to reach personal goals.
7. Establish Clear Rules
Happy families need clear rules about expectations and behaviors that
will not be tolerated. It can be helpful to write out a list of rules
and keep them displayed in the house. Create rules that emphasize the
importance of treating one another with respect. Encourage every
family member to participate in establishing the household rules.
8. Spend Quality Time Together
A happy family needs to spend quality time together. That means
stepping away from laptops, computers, and video games to really
connect as a family. Go for walks, participate in sports, or play
board games together as a family.
9. Develop Family Traditions
Family traditions can help a family feel united. Traditions don’t
need to be reserved for holidays. Instead, you can create weekly or
even daily family traditions.
For example, make Sunday nights family game night and take turns
picking out board games. Or make a tradition at bedtime where each
family members talks about the highlight of their day. Creating such
traditions will help your family stay connected.
10. Hold Regular Family Meetings
Schedule family meetings at least once per month. Discuss what is
going well and work on addressing problems together as a family. Use
it as a time to manage the family calendar or address needs that aren
’t being met. It’s a great way to teach your children problem-
solving skills while you resolve problems together.

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